Defining Rules for Quantifiers and Identity

February 20, 2025 COMING SOON

Abstract: Suppose we have a language involving non-denoting singular terms. (The language of everyday mathematics provides one example. Terms like \(\frac{n}{m}\) and \(\lim_{x\to\infty} f(x)\) do not denote, for appropriate choices of \(m\) and of \(f\).) It is not too difficult to define inference rules for an appropriately free logic that incorporates non-denoting terms. If \(t\) does not denote, then \(\phi(t)\) need not entail \(\exists x\phi(x)\), and neither is \(\phi(t)\) entailed by \(\forall x\phi(x)\). We now have a very good understanding of well-behaved cut-free sequent calculi for a variety of different free logics, appropriate for languages with non-denoting singular terms.

There is a tradition, in proof-theoretic semantics, of thinking of well-behaved inference rules for some concept as defining that concept. If the rules are well-enough behaved (whatever that notion of good behaviour might be—whether a notion of harmony, or conservative extension and unique definability, or something else—then we are tempted to take the concept that can be introduced by such rules to be defined by them, and hence to be apt for introduction to our vocabulary.

In this talk, I will show how, in the natural sequent calculus for negative free logic, we are able to define “outer” quantifiers \(\Pi\) and \(\Sigma\) where \(\phi(t)\) entails \(\Sigma x\phi(x)\), and is entailed by \(\Pi x\phi(x)\), for any term \(t\), whether denoting or not, since the rules for such quantifiers meet the strictures for defining concepts in proof-theoretic semantics mentioned above.

These rules meet those original proof-theoretic strictures, but they nonetheless seem to differ from the inner quantifiers, in that a statement like \(\Sigma x\phi(x)\) can be true without there being a genuine value for the variable \(x\) to take that would satisfy \(\phi(x)\). The substitution occurs at the level of the term, and not the value of that term. I will consider an approach to enforcing a term/value distinction more thoroughly in the proof calculus, and show how this gives us means to not only distinguish the differing theoretical commitments of inner and outer quantification, but also show how it follows that there are at least two different ways we can understand the identity predicate.

If there is time, I will also discuss the significance of these result for proof-theoretic semantics and our understanding of how inference rules might be used in definitions.


I’m Greg Restall, and this is my personal website. I am the Shelby Cullom Davis Professor of Philosophy at the University of St Andrews, and the Director of the Arché Philosophical Research Centre for Logic, Language, Metaphysics and Epistemology I like thinking about – and helping other people think about – logic and philosophy and the many different ways they can inform each other.


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