Presentation Archive

  , What Can We Mean? — on practices, norms and pluralism The Aristotelian Society. COMING SOON

  , What do calculators tell us about meaning? St Andrews PhilSoc.

  , Models for Identity in Three-Valued Logics British Logic Colloquium 2024.

  , What Do We Mean? Semantics, Practices and Pluralism Arché Metaphysics and Logic Seminar.

  , What ‘No’ Does Arché Day 2024.

  , Natural Deduction Proof for Substructural, Constructive and Classical Logics Leeds Logic Seminar.

  , λμ: Relating Constructive, Classical and Substructural Logics LANCOG Group, Center of Philosophy, University of Lisbon.

  , λμ: Relating Constructive and Classical Logics Arché Workshop: Proofs, Rules and Meanings.

  , Finitude, Eternity, Love, the Good and Martin Hagglünd’s ‘This Life’ The Logos Institute for Analytical and Exegetical Theology, University of St Andrews.

  , The Semantics and Psychology of Negation: The Australian Plan, Negation as Failure, and Card Selection Tasks University of Stirling Philosophy Seminar.

  , The Semantics and Psychology of Negation: The Australian Plan, Negation as Failure, and Card Selection Tasks Arché Metaphysics and Logic Seminar.

  , The Semantics and Psychology of Negation: The Australian Plan, Negation as Failure, and Card Selection Tasks 15th Conference of the Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy.

  , Finitude, Eternity, Love, the Good and Martin Hagglünd’s ‘This Life’ The British Society for the Philosophy of Religion 2023 Conference.

  , Exploring Three-Valued Models for Identity Logic in Bochum.

  , Numbers, the World, and God: Varieties of Semantic Anti-Realism European Academy of Religion 2023 Conference, Symposium on Negative Theology and Philosophical Analysis.

  , Proofs for Relevant Consequence, with Star and Perp Logic, Reasoning and Justification Workshop, University of Bergen.

  , Come and See! (John 1:29-42) Sermon at St Salvator’s Chapel Worship, University of St Andrews.

  , Natural Deduction with Alternatives: on structural rules, and identifying assumptions LanCog Research Group, University of Lisbon.

  , Collection Frames: What, How and Why? New Directions in Relevant Logic (Online Workshop).

  , Natural Deduction with Alternatives: on structural rules, and identifying assumptions Workshop on Proof-Theoretic Semantics, UCL, London.

  , Classical Logic and Intuitionistic Logic: looking both ways PhDs in Logic XIII, Turin.

  , The Many Uses of Proofs: logic and philosophy, language and more University of St Andrews School of Computer Science.

  , True Contradictions? Why, and Why Not? St Andrews Philosophy Department Reflectorium.

  , Exploring Three-Valued Models for Identity Arché Logic and Metaphysics Workshop on the Logic of Identity.

  , Natural Deduction with Alternatives: on structural rules, and identifying assumptions Bilateralism and Proof-Theoretic Semantics Conference, Ruhr University Bochum.

  , Justification Requests, Inference and Definitions University of Calgary, Philosophy Seminar.

  , Proofs with Star and Perp: pluralism and proofs for different logics Current Debates in the Philosophy of Logic Seminar, European Network for the Philosophy of Logic.

  , Assertions, Denials, Questions, Answers, and the Common Ground University of Bristol, Philosophy Seminar.

  , Worlds: Possible and Impossible Arché Logic and Metaphysics Seminar, University of St Andrews.

  , Comparing Rules for Identity in sequent systems and natural deduction Tableaux 2021.

  , Proofs and Models in Philosophical Logic British Logic Colloquium (Durham, Online).

  , Natural Deduction with Alternatives: on structural rules, and identifying assumptions 2021 Australasian Association for Logic Conference.

  , Platonism, Nominalism, Realism, Anti-Realism, Reprentationalism, Inferentialism and all that Melbourne University Philosophy Seminar.

  , Comparing Rules for Identity in Sequent Systems and Natural Deduction Proof Theory Virtual Seminar.

  , An Inferentialist Account of Identity and Modality EXPRESS Project Seminar (Amsterdam) / PHILMATH Seminar (Paris).

  , Natural Deduction with Alternatives Applied Logic Workshop, University of Melbourne.

  , Speech Acts & the Quest for a Natural Account of Classical Proof Berkeley Logic Colloquium.

  , Assertions, Denials, Questions, Answers, and the Common Ground Dianoia Institute Seminar, Australian Catholic University.

  , Geometric Models for Relevant Logics Melbourne Logic Group.

  , A Place for Logic in the Humanities? Ballarat Philosophy Symposium 2020.

  , Generics: Inference & Accommodation Constructing Social Hierarchy 2, MIT.

  , What's So Special About Logic? Practices, Rules and Definitions Smith College.

  , What's So Special About Logic? Practices, Rules and Definitions Melbourne Logic Day.

  , Assertions, Denials, Questions, Answers, and the Common Ground M&LG Seminar, Arché St Andrews.

  , Collection Frames for Substructural Logics LanCog Workshop on Substructural Logic.

  , Assertions, Denials, Questions, Answers, and the Common Ground EXPRESS Workshop.

  , Assertions, Denials, Questions, Answers, and the Common Ground MCMP Seminar.

  , Assertions, Denials, Questions, Answers, and the Common Ground Melbourne Logic Seminar.

  , Isomorphisms in a Category of Proofs Proof Theoretic Semantics 2019.

  , Collection Frames for Substructural Logics Melbourne Logic Seminar.

  , Generality and Existence 2: Modality and Quantifiers Joint Session of the ASL and the Central Division of the APA.

  , New Work for a (Formal) Theory of Grounds Melbourne Logic Seminar.

  , Truth and Stereotypes Public Lecture at the University of Melbourne.

  , Accommodation, Inference, Generics and Pejoratives Social Ontology Workshop at the University of Melbourne.

  , Accommodation, Inference, Generics and Pejoratives UQ Philosophy Seminar.

  , Defining Rules, Proofs and Counterexamples VII Workshop on Philosophical Logic, Buenos Aires.

  , Proof Theory, Rules and Meaning — an introduction Symposium on Proof Theory, Rules and Meaning.

  , What Proofs are For Melbourne-Glasgow Formal Philosophy Workshop.

  , Isomorphisms in a Category of Proofs MIT SLLERG Seminar.

  , Accommodation, Inference, Generics and Pejoratives MIT Philosophy Work in Progress Talk.

  , Accommodation, Inference, Generics and Pejoratives University of Connecticut Brown Bag.

  , Accommodation, Inference, Generics and Pejoratives University of Pittsburgh Philosophy Colloquium.

  , Isomorphisms in a Category of Proofs CMU Pure and Applied Logic Seminar.

  , Isomorphisms in a Category of Proofs CUNY Graduate Center Logic and Metaphysics Seminar.

  , What Proofs are For NYU Philosophy Brown Bag.

  , Accommodation, Inference, Generics and Pejoratives CUNY Graduate Center Philosophy Colloquium.

  , Accommodation, Inference, Generics and Pejoratives University of Melbourne Philosophy Seminar.

  , Isomorphisms in a Category of Propositions and Proofs Melbourne Logic Seminar.

  , Proof Identity, Aboutness and Meaning Glasgow-Melbourne Formal Philosophy Workshop.

  , Negation on the Australian Plan Melbourne Logic Group.

  , A Concrete Category of Classical Proofs TACL 2017.

  , A Category of Classical Proofs Melbourne Logic Group.

  , Proof Identity, Invariants and Hyperintensionality DIP Colloquium, Amsterdam.

  , Proof Terms for Classical Derivations LIRa Seminar, Amsterdam.

  , Logical Pluralism: Meaning, Rules and Counterexamples Pluralisms Workshop, Bonn.

  , Proof Terms as Invariants Melbourne Logic Day.

  , Existence, Definedness and the Semantics of Possibility and Necessity Workshop on the Philosophy of Timothy Williamson at the Asian Workshop in Philosophical Logic and the Taiwan Philosophical Logic Colloquium, Taipei, October 2016.

  , Proofs and what they’re good for University of Melbourne Philosophy Seminar.

  , What Proofs and Truthmakers are About Melbourne Logic Group.

  , Proofs and what they’re good for Australasian Assocation for Philosophy Conference.

  , Terms for Classical Sequents: Proof Invariants and Strong Normalisation Australasian Association for Logic Conference.

  , Proofs and what they’re good for Australian Catholic University Philosophy Seminar.

  , Proofs and what they’re good for University of Sydney Philosophy Seminar.

  , Terms for Classical Sequents: Proof Invariants and Strong Normalisation University of Gothenburg Logic Seminar.

  , Terms for Classical Sequents: Proof Invariants and Strong Normalisation Melbourne Logic Group.

  , Fixed Point Models for Theories of Properties and Classes Frontiers of Non-Classicality: Logic, Mathematics, Philosophy, University of Auckland.

  , Generality and Existence 3: Substitution and Identity Melbourne Logic Workshop.

  , Generality and Existence 4: Identity and Modality Arché HPLM Seminar.

  , Generality and Existence 3: Substitution and Identity Arché Super Special Seminar.

  , Generality and Existence 2: Modality and Quantifiers Arché Logic Group Seminar.

  , Generality and Existence 1: Quantification and Free Logic Arché Workshop on Inferentialism.

  , Fixed Point Models for Theories of Properties and Classes 15th Congress on Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, University of Helsinki.

  , Merely Verbal Disputes and Coordinating on Logical Constants Australasian Association for Philosophy Conference, Macquarie University.

  , Contingent Existence and Modal Definedness Australasian Association for Logic Conference, University of Sydney.

  , Workshop on Verbal Disputes and their Philosophical Significance University of Oxford.

  , Merely Verbal Disputes and Coordinating on Logical Constants Melbourne Logic Group.

  , Incarnation and Detachment: on surprising connections between logic, semantics, and prayer Department of Humanities and Philosophy, Catholic Theological College, University of Divinity, Melbourne.

  , Sophistry and Argumentation: The Role of Reason in the Examined Life Lyceum Club, Melbourne.

  , Incarnation and Detachment: Philosophy, Prayer, and Taking Positions Christian Scholars Network, Melbourne.

  , Contingent Existence and Modal Definedness School of Philosophy, ANU.

  , Ternary Relations and Models for Relevant Arithmetics Algebra and Substructural Logic 5.

  , Living as a Christian Academic Monash University Christian Union.

  , Towards Fixed Point Models for Theories of Properties and Classes Melbourne Logic Group.

  , Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus University of Melbourne Arts Faculty 10 Great Books Masterclass.

  , From Defining Rules to Cut Elimination (and its consequences) Northern Institute of Philosophy, University of Aberdeen.

  , Modal Definedness Arché, University of St Andrews.

  , Ternary Relations and Models for Relevant Arithmetics Melbourne Logic Day.


I’m Greg Restall, and this is my personal website. I am the Shelby Cullom Davis Professor of Philosophy at the University of St Andrews, and the Director of the Arché Philosophical Research Centre for Logic, Language, Metaphysics and Epistemology I like thinking about – and helping other people think about – logic and philosophy and the many different ways they can inform each other.


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