New Work for a (Formal) Theory of Grounds

December 14, 2018

Abstract: In this talk, I provide two different models for a theory of grounds meeting the following desiderata:

  1. Grammar: There are objects, which we call grounds, which can be grounds for propositions or grounds against propositions.
  2. Derivation: A derivation of a sequent XA,Y gives us a systematic way to construct a ground for A out of grounds for each member of X and grounds against each member of Y, and a derivation of a sequent X,AY gives us a systematic way to construct a ground against A out of grounds for each member of X and grounds against each member of Y. So, a derivation of A gives us a way to construct a ground for A, and a derivation of A gives us a way to construct a ground against A.
  3. Interpretation: This theory can be interpreted in an epistemic sense, where grounds are our means to access the truth or falsity of a proposition, or a metaphysical sense, where grounds show how a proposition is made true by the world.
  4. Grasp: Grounds are the kinds of things we can possess.
  5. Hyperintensionality: Not every ground is a ground for every tautology. A ground for A need not also be a ground for each logical consequence of A.
  6. Structure: A ground for AB can be seen as a function from grounds for A to grounds for B. A ground for AB can be seen as consisting of a ground for A and a ground for B. A ground against AB can be seen as consisting of a ground against A and a ground against B. A ground for ¬A can be obtained from a ground against A, and a ground against ¬A can be obtained from a ground for A.

The result is a model of grounds with significant similarities to the BHK interpretation of constructive logic, but for the classical sequent calculus.


I’m Greg Restall, and this is my personal website. I am the Shelby Cullom Davis Professor of Philosophy at the University of St Andrews, and the Director of the Arché Philosophical Research Centre for Logic, Language, Metaphysics and Epistemology I like thinking about – and helping other people think about – logic and philosophy and the many different ways they can inform each other.


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