Abstract: Since the 1990s, we have seen how to understand a very wide range of logical systems (classical logic, intuitionistic logic, dual intuitionistic logic, relevant logics, linear logic, the Lambek calculus, affine logic, orthologic, ST, TS and more) as consisting of a single broad family of connectives which are set in different structural contexts given a particular choice of the shape of sequents, and the structural rules governing those sequents. The sequent calculus has proved to be a useful lens through which to view a broad range of logical systems, both in terms of their formal properties, and their interpretation.
In this talk, I will consider the relationship between the “big four” traditional substructural logics corresponding to the four options for including or excluding the structural rules of weakening and contraction in the setting of Gentzen/Prawitz-style natural deduction proofs for implication, and the simply typed A calculus. Such a natural deduction setting in which proofs have any number of premises and a single conclusion has a natural bias toward constructive, or intuitionistic logic. I will show how the choice of whether to “go classical”, expanding the structural context to allow for more than one formula in positive position is orthogonal to the choice of the other structural rules, and that each of the four constructive substructural logics have their classical counterpart inside them-not only at the level of provability, but also at the level of proofs-by way of a natural generalisation of the double negation translation of classical logic inside intuitionistic logic. The talk will end (if there is time) with some discussion of the significance of this result for understanding the classical/constructive divide.
The talk is a presentation at the 2024 Arché Workshop on Proofs, Rules and Meanings.
The handout for the talk is available here, and if for some reason you’d like to see the slides, they’re here.
I’m Greg Restall, and this is my personal website. ¶ I am the Shelby Cullom Davis Professor of Philosophy at the University of St Andrews, and the Director of the Arché Philosophical Research Centre for Logic, Language, Metaphysics and Epistemology ¶ I like thinking about – and helping other people think about – logic and philosophy and the many different ways they can inform each other.
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